Document Translation Services
Are you looking for document translation services? Do you need to translate a document from English into multiple languages? Is your project urgent? Is your budget limited for translation services? No worries! We provide professional and accurate translation of documents between English and 20+ major world languages for small and medium size businesses and large corporations across all sectors. Your project will be assigned to a qualified and experienced translator specializing in translation in your subject-matter in compliance with international quality assurance standards!

Document Translators
Over 1000 Native-speaking document translators

50+ Languages
Translation of Documents to over 50 languages

Professional Qualification
We are Experts in Your specific field of expertise

Quality Control
Quality Management in compliance with ISO and EN regulations
What Services We Provide
Are you looking for document translation services near you? Do you need to translate your documents today? Is your budget confined within the preset amounts allocated for translation of documents? Still not sure what agency to trust your valuable, sensitive, and confidential information? Have some more questions about how it works? Need a customer support on weekends? You will have it all!
You can be absolutely confident in getting a high-quality translation product. We adhere to and comply with international quality assurance standards as per ISO 9001. No matter what is your business or industry, we have all necessary capacities to handle your documents and manage your project. In order to communicate with foreign partners, contractors, or customers as well as to make joint work more efficient you should have your documents – business, financial, marketing, technical, engineering, medical or legal – translated into the languages of your counterparts or interested parties.
With our team of over 1000 inhouse and freelance translators specializing in your sector we deliver fast and professional document translation services.
Most of official translations need certification for submission to public, educational, state, or governmental agencies for review and approval. We translate and certify all the documents upon request or if necessary.
The translation of certificates needs certification as a legal proof of validity and accuracy of the translated text. Also, some of the legal or business documents may also need certification, like tender bids or document package for immigration purposes. If your documents need certification, we assign them to a sworn translator and then legally certify and stamp your translated documents.
We help private individuals solve their personal issues and reach their goals in life by making their documents accepted and approved by official bodies and assist businesses to implement their projects and engage their potential customers to become buyers and make their profit more scalable.
There are multitudes of documents we translate. Among them are: business reports, medical records, product presentations, equipment specifications, financial statements, technical maintenance manuals, products catalogs, legal contracts, business letters, training materials, video scripts, and more!
User Manual Translation
Certificate Translation
Record Translation
Presentation Translation
Statement Translation
Letter Translation

Languages We Translate

Translate Your Document!

Financial Translators
Over 100 Native-speaking Financial Translators ready for taking Your project in just minutes!
Professional Qualification
Linguists and Experts qualified and experienced in Your specific field of expertise.
Global Coverage
Clients from all over the world. Translation of Documents for all industries and businesses, from individuals to corporations.
Secure Transfer and Storage
Secure Transfer and Storage of your documents and private data in compliance with GDRP.
Quality Control
Quality Management in compliance with ISO and EN regulations. Double check by professional linguist and qualified expert.
Easy Payment Options
You can pay by Bank Transfer, PayPal, Debit and Credit cards.
We Translate Documents in all major formats
If your document is in a fancy format (not in MS Word, Excel Power Point, or PDF) we are here to support you and help you translate your document in whatever format your document is. We also translate drawings in AutoCAD and DWG. So, you have to rest assured that no matter how sophisticated your document is we shall manage your project and deliver the translated document in whatever target format you like or need.
When translation is carried out, we can temporarily convert your document into an editable or more convenient format to cope with the text and then convert back into the original format you provided us initially. Some of the formats are not quite easy and convenient to make edits and changes of text. Frequently it is required to change and translate text in images which is tedious and cumbersome work that takes time and certain efforts. In order to do it smoothly we use either MS Word or Adobe Illustrator to edit the text in files. Also, sometimes, we get engineering drawings and diagrams in PDF. It is clear that PDF can not be edited and text changed so we have to convert such file into an editable format and then change it there.
There are presentations, catalogs, brochures, pamphlets and guidebooks in various formats other than PDF or MS Word or PPT which have to be translated along with images, maps, graphics, trends, and diagrams. In order to cope with them we have to make the editable first and then work with the text in the respective convenient environment. But the result, of course, is always perfect! So you don’t have to worry about your formats – we can handle any and all of them!
Translation of Documents for Your Industry
You may have a single page certificate or passport that would need translation for submission to the local official or state agency or you may need the translation of a whole package of documentation including diagrams and scans with graphics and tables for major industrial facility construction or power generation plant project.
There are many different types of documents used for different purposes for various industries. You can have a description of equipment for sales at local marketplace or you have a brochure with marketing material about your products or services or you may need to translate a hundred pages operation and maintenance manual for machinery or engines supplied for large engineering or oil and gas project.
The geographical destination of your client’s base or the location for distribution of your products may be very much diverse. It can be the deserts of Saudi Arabia or Africa’s savannas or Amazon River jungles, or it can be either the Nordic waters of Iceland or Australian or Samoan shores.
There are many applications and sectors where document translation can be required, from crude oil refinery in USA to renewable energy generation in Sweden.
The range of fields where you will certainly need the translation of documents is very large – from quick correspondence letter written to your foreign colleague about minor things to high-tech equipment installation or bio-engineering technology integration or software programming guide with hundreds of thousands of words on highly technical subject matters which need special knowledge and relevant proficiency in the particular area of expertise.
For each sector we have dedicated teams of qualified and experienced linguists who understand your text, have years of experience in working in your industry, and speaks in at least two languages – mother tongue and target language.
When doing the translation in your sector, whether it is business, finance, marketing, medicine, pharmacy, oil and gas, renewable energy, sports, or education, we are guided by widely and commonly accepted concepts of quality assurance and accuracy in compliance with international quality control standards as per ISO 9001 as well as all other local requirements applied to translation services, both in USA, Europe, and UK.

Translation of documents for Oil and Gas
Translation of training material for training courses
Translation of specification for engineering project
Translation of technical procedures for construction site
Medical reports translation for medical examination
How to translate documents for marketing and promotion
Translation of Documents in the USA, UK, EU (New York, London, Berlin)
Now, in terms of globalization, the online presence of document translation services is crucial and indispensable. It is almost necessary, in the age of international communications, to be reachable at the same time at many locations and places in the world. Internet environment makes this task attainable and implementable.
Our team of over one thousand (1000+) linguists is available 24/7 due to its location in different countries across the globe. We can be found in both United States of America and United Kingdom, European Union and Australia, South America and Africa and Asia.
You can be physically located in any part of the world and still enjoy our professional document translation services at the comfort of your home or apartment or office.
The procedure of ordering for translation with us is so simple that allows you to request for translation in actually a couple of clicks. We differentiate between types of documents, languages, and areas of expertise.
So, you can select language pair and sector in which to translate your documents – business report, medical record, equipment specification, product catalog, qualification certificate, or installation user guide.
Whether you are running international business company or manage a huge industrial project or work as a salesman at a big shopping mall or work as an employee for ecommerce network or write an essay for scientific research, we are here to help you with your translation needs no matter you are located – Indonesia, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, India, South Africa, Zambia, Egypt, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Cyprus, Italy, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexica, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, or any other state, country, or island.
We Translate Documents to Your Language
Even though our planet is just one of the small planets in the solar system there are over 150 countries and more than 300 languages that need translation for understanding and communication.
Our service of document translations is dealing with documents, certificates, presentations, reports, books, user manuals and user guides, video scripts, catalogs, passports, specifications, letters.
We are specializing in translation of different types of documents for various purposes in different sectors. Documents are the things that always need translation. For example, mostly required translation is of legal documents as it affects both legal status and businesses. Another important subject which is very much required for translation is healthcare or hospital treatment or medical examination.
Anyway, whatever document you have we can take them for translation and convert into virtually any language. And even though we are specialized in major world languages like German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, we are proficient in 50+ language including smaller European, Asian, and African languages.
All translations, of course, are performed by local native speaking translators born in the country of the spoken language. For narrow niches or highly technical subjects we use both professional translator and bilingual subject matter expert or specialist qualified in the particular area of sector.
If you need to translate documents into more than one language you can avail of our multilanguage service which costs reasonably lower than if you would order for translation just into one single language.
However, if the language is rare and your subject or sector is hi-tech or scientific or medical then the price quote may be slightly higher than usual price.
But for large or recurrent projects we offer our 5% to 15% discounts depending on the wordcount and language pair. For English to German translation the standard rate per word is 0.08 USD but for English to Russian translation it can be 0.06 USD. But for such languages as Norwegian, Danish, or Finnish, the rate per word will be well higher than 0.10 USD.
Nevertheless, if you have thousands of pages and millions of words to translate we shall reduce the overall cost and come up with an affordable solution.

Translation of documents from English to German
Translation of documents from English to French
Translation of documents from English to Spanish
Document translation from English to Portuguese
Document translation from English to Italian
How to translate a document from English to Dutch
Certified translation of documents English to Arabic
Professional document translation English to Hebrew